Can't sign in - Password Incorrect Every Time

Recently upgraded my CFW to Aroma, and installed everything required for Pretendo, but I can’t sign in. I even changed my password on here just in case. Still keeps telling me my password is incorrect.

One thing I’ve noticed is on my User Settings on the site it says my account is in the US. I am not, I’m in the UK, would that potentially be an issue causing this maybe?

Does your PNID use the same username as your NNID? If so, you unfortunately won’t be able to sign into the PNID on your console and will need to create a new one with a different username.

I feel like I got this account working on the 3ds though and I’d rather have all of my online accounts with the same name. Do you know if this is something getting looked into in the future or at least the ability to do a name change? This is a very peculier oddity. I’ve had this PNID for a while and assumed I got it working last time I used it when I was on tiramisu, but if this wsa always a requirement then I guess I was mistaken.

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There is another method for Wii U, although I have to warn you that it’s not officially supported by Pretendo. There is a Wii U Account Swap homebrew that can locally unlink your NNID from your Wii U account. Then, you will be able to link your PNID to that account and use the Wii U Account Swap app to swap between your NNID and PNID.

Please make sure to read through its usage instructions first to avoid any issues! Be careful not to unlink the NNID before backing up the account.dat file to ensure you will be able to swap back to your NNID later (i.e. for redownloading games from the eShop).

is there a reason you’d want to keep NNID data nowadays since the Nintendo Network is down for the Wii U?

Thanks for this response though. I’ll look into it when I get the time to tinker.

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To access eShop and to access downloaded games mainly. You can also still access the friends list.

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