I’m experiencing an issue where Burp Suite seems to break SSL connections when accessing Pretendo services. Specifically, I’m receiving a “Could Not Display Page” error.
Here are some details of the situation:
• The error occurs when Burp Suite is active as a proxy.
• SSL/TLS connections seem to break when trying to access Pretendo services.
•HTTP/2 is disabled in my burp settings
I don’t know how to install certificates system-wide on the console, so I can’t install the burp certificate. I also know that CloudFlare hates burp’s proxy.
Has anyone done this before, or knows the solution?
If it’s breaking SSL connections between the console and the proxy (as opposed to the proxy and the server), it might not be a Cloudflare issue. If you aren’t using it already, you’ll need to compile a custom copy of Inkay and edit the CA to be your Burp certificate.
There is a more detailed guide for this in the mitmproxy-nintendo readme, just make sure your Burp certificate is in PEM format and convert it if not.