Are the Pretendo servers guaranteed to be safe in case of a physical disaster?

Considering Jon is currently preparing for Hurricane Milton in the American state of Florida, that has raised a question in me: Are Pretendo’s official servers guaranteed to be same from any physical harm like incoming damage from a natural disaster, for instance?

Just to let you know, I’ve moved a few of your posts from Technical Discussion to General because they don’t fit the category’s purpose. They’re more general questions about how Pretendo works, not specifically related to contributing to Pretendo’s OSS projects. Please make these kinds of posts in General in the future.

See Jon’s explanation of the category purpose here (emphasis mine):


To answer this question: we don’t expect the servers to go down because of the hurricane because they aren’t physically in Florida. Of course, we can’t “guarantee” that they won’t go down due to factors outside of our control. This announcement is more about Jon potentially not being available to be contacted during this time.

The announcement was about me. Nothing about the servers. We don’t host the servers at home. They’re managed in data centers, mostly in Germany


Good. As long as you have confidence the servers are safe from a disaster, I will be confident as well.