Are ban appeals no more?

I was banned about a month ago for something stupid I did because I didn’t know how the service worked exactly and now I’m curious if I can even get back online to pretendo.

You can still appeal on the forums or Discord, but the appeal will be public if you use the forums. (I also moved this to support as it would be more fitting there.)

how would I do it if I used discord or the forums

We generally unlist ban appeals, but if you know the link you’ll be able to find it. If you want to appeal, just make a post in Support or you could contact @category-moderators privately.

I’m not entirely sure about how it works on Discord, but the appeal is completely public there afaik.


From which service are you banned from? Juxt? 3DS? Wii U?

I was only banned from the 3ds

Okay, I saw your ban appeal, let’s move there

3 posts were split to a new topic: How to report cheaters