About the Support category

Get general support about the service. This includes, but is not limited to, game servers, non-game applications, Miiverse, etc.

Include as many details as possible. This includes, but is not limited to, your console firmware version, game/app being ran, your actions up until that point, details about your homebrew environment, etc.

Before making a thread, check to see if your question has already been asked. If so, please do not make a duplicate thread unless the existing one has been closed and does not solve your issue.

If you are reporting a bug, check to see if an issue exists already on the relevant GitHub repository before making a thread. Bug reports are best managed on the relevant GitHub repository, not the support forum. If no issue for the bug exists, please make one. If you cannot find the relevant GitHub repository, do not have a GitHub, or otherwise are unable to make an issue on GitHub, then you may report the bug here.