[598-0069] Miiverse Error

Hey folks!
today i wanted to get my WiiU up to date again and make pretendo fully work but i cant get Miiverse and Juxta to work correctly…

So this is what happened:
-Started WiiU for first time in months, did all aroma updates that the console asked for when starting
-Put Nimble and Inkay in the right folders
-logged in sucessfully with my PID

At this point sometimes Juxta works and sometimes it doesnt.
When i want to open Miiverse i ger error [598-0069] which tells me to install the martini-juxt-patcher.rpx
When i try to install it via WiiU Menu, i get error [678-1008].

Besides: When i get in to the settings of the Inkay Plugin with “L-down-select”, i dont get a BOSS option. The menu, where i can reset Wara Wara Plaza is called different but its there.

I tried everythin i could think of back and forth but i just dont get it to work right.
Would really appreciate it, if someone could point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance and hopefully see you in Miiverse soon.

Anything unclear? I can provide more details if needed…

Martini was an older version of the Juxtaposition patch, and it is no longer used. Instead, all patching functionality has been switched over to the newer Inkay patcher, which runs automatically at boot with Aroma.

These two patches are not compatible with each other, so you need to uninstall the Martini patches to make Inkay work correctly. Go to Martini releases, download the latest version v0.6 of martini-juxt-patcher.rpx to SD:/wiiu/apps, run it, and select the uninstall option. After rebooting your Wii U, you should be able to access Juxt.

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Cant believe it was so goddamn easy! Thanks a lot, you made my day good sir! :wink: Miiverse works just fine now.

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