Hey folks!
today i wanted to get my WiiU up to date again and make pretendo fully work but i cant get Miiverse and Juxta to work correctly…
So this is what happened:
-Started WiiU for first time in months, did all aroma updates that the console asked for when starting
-Put Nimble and Inkay in the right folders
-logged in sucessfully with my PID
At this point sometimes Juxta works and sometimes it doesnt.
When i want to open Miiverse i ger error [598-0069] which tells me to install the martini-juxt-patcher.rpx
When i try to install it via WiiU Menu, i get error [678-1008].
Besides: When i get in to the settings of the Inkay Plugin with “L-down-select”, i dont get a BOSS option. The menu, where i can reset Wara Wara Plaza is called different but its there.
I tried everythin i could think of back and forth but i just dont get it to work right.
Would really appreciate it, if someone could point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance and hopefully see you in Miiverse soon.