3DS Photography

Interesting, clearly it has a better time when there’s more light (although still not great).

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Yeah, I’d say the lighting conditions are decent anyways when the phone is preferring ISO 50 or lower (generally the lowest light sensitivity levels you’ll get), but the 3DS still struggles with visible grain.

I’m not sure if it’s making any difference shooting in 3D, but it would be interesting to see what settings the camera is choosing since it looks less than ideal. Shame we don’t have a camera app on the 3DS that allows you to customise your ISO and shutter speed settings.

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I’m kind of biased, so just gonna say this, but Nintendo is better than Google.

Sure, they are both greedy companies, but it’s obvious who is the company that makes funnier, more, shall I say, “happier” stuff.

Therefore, while the 3DS camera is indeed lower quality, I would still stick with that… somehow… maybe…


Look, I got my feelings and opinions about Google, okay :sunglasses:


Hold on, let me just… remove this... bar… There we go!

Anyways, Are there more photographs you want to show to us?

I have two or three more but for privacy reasons, I’m withholding them for now.

Hoping to get some more tomorrow (or rather today as it’s just about to turn midnight).

Think these are the last you’ll see for a while from me. These are from Cardigan Town Centre.

Low quality image of a church and some gravestones, with parts of a fence appearing on the side

1/708 f/1.9 ISO 63 on the Pixel

Low quality image of a bridge going over a river with a multi-storeybbuilding on the other side

1/593 f/1.9 ISO 49 on the Pixel

Low quality image of a boat going down a river, you can see parts of a wall and trees in the background

1/501 f/1.9 ISO 45 on the Pixel

Low quality image of castle ruins

1/260 f/1.9 ISO 33 on the Pixel

Word of advice: Cardigan is pretty depressing on a Sunday. Lots of the shops are shut since they’re independent ones unfortunately.

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Gotta add that the 3ds camera is 240p 144p something like that idk but here in my town (not gonna say thename because of privacy)Its all pretty well today

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The camera resolution is 640x480. Your images do look better than mine, I should probably do a comparison between 2D and 3D since that might work better.

well i am using a 2ds so it should be 2d but it says 3d anyway it looks decent not really that good here is a photo from my phone in comparison

In this photo i think its on 4k or 1080p but its definetly better than the 3ds cam


The closest you could get to knowing @Syro77’s location is the autonomous community that is Castile and Leon, as stated on his userpage for the Forums. Nice photos by the way, Syro and @GamersInternatio!


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Stuff

Its acctualy said castilla y león

another proof that im spanish ñ

Just two other images that I withheld earlier.

Low quality landscape image of electricity pylons, a hedge and hills

1/3774 f/1.9 ISO 37 on the Pixel

Low quality image of two gas canisters against a white wall

1/624 f/1.9 ISO 53 on the Pixel

It was fun to mess around with taking photos on the 3DS. Not sure if I’ll continue on with some more in the future. Back at home now :smile:

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These photos look very, VERY nostalgic… I think it might be the sharpening and the lower quality, but maybe just knowing that it’s on a 3DS might be it… in all, it reminds me of videos you’d see on Youtube from 2009, where some guys do something really stupid — and in their school for some reason.

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