3DS Games/ WII U Games
My favorite 3ds game Wich can compete with any game released these days is shin megami tensei 4 but I understand it’s not for everyone
Any of the Kirby games, Mario & Luigi games, Boxboy games, and Mario 3D Land are some good ones.
Layton vs. Wright. Best Ace Attorney on the 3DS, and some have suggested it’s the best full stop.
“that you likely don’t have”
assumption of the dang century here
Fantasy Life. Can’t wait for the new one on Switch! Top 5 most played 3DS games for me.
thx man, ill find it on amazon
Huh? Nobody said anything about piracy. Anyways, Super Mario Maker on 3DS is a pretty good option if you want to play SMM on the go.
Check out this thread: The “DEFINITVE” Wii U & 3DS Games List [Updated 05/09/2024] - General - Pretendo Network
Some simple and unique block-pushing puzzle games on 3DS: BoxBoy and Pullblox/Pushmo
I bought a few games from these series years ago and spent many hours on them
I’ve also heard about new ones coming to the Switch
I used to play Kid Icarus: Uprising when I was young.
DEFINITELY Pokémon X/Y. Incredibly fun even WITHOUT internet!
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology
Proyect X Zone
Bloodstained Curse of the moon
Code of Princess
Steamworld Heist
I think we need Pokemon games. Pokemon games are became heart of the Nintendo handhelds starting at 1996. Pokemon games must be in the top priority.
And… Of course…ACNL!
I can definitely agree with that!
+Randomly points finger
Every ace attourney game on 3/ds is the best game.
bravely default
Miku project mirai
Fire emblem series
Super Mario Maker (reason to use pretendo)
My favorite game is Animal Crossing New Leaf but there’s a lot of other games I like too!
Anyways, my favorite go-to physical game for the 3DS is WarioWare Gold, which is a compilation of many WarioWare microgames. It makes use of almost every 3DS feature except 3D (it was released in 2018)
I Have that game! There was actually an unreleased 3DS game that made use of 3D that would’ve worked perfectly as a WarioWare game, but sadly the final WarioWare 3DS didn’t use 3D.