3DS Friend Code Exchange / looking for people to add

Added mine is 2935-3229-5132

i added you on your main and old 3ds

btw, answer to me here if you added me

added to both
also @HereForPKMN @HoshimachiSuisei

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added you, my main 3ds friend code is: 0742-1368-5575
I also have an older 3DS with the friend code 0742-4333-8316 as well
it has more pieces
Also @Zebediah , @Joao_paixBR

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added you, my main 3ds friend code is: 0742-1368-5575
I also have an older 3DS with the friend code 0742-4333-8316 as well
it has more pieces
also @Slitzdeeznaddz, @Greenmount17

Just modded my 3ds today so now friends ATM give me a add also what games are most people playing online for what is available 0701-8532-2263

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added :smiley: my 3DS code is 0956-0125-1537

added, my 3ds code is 0956-0125-1537
: )

added both of your accounts

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Mine is 3321 3995 5381 (3DS)
Name: Erick

3321 3995 5381 (3DS) pls add me :slight_smile:

Yup, can add me too? 3321 3995 5381 (3DS)

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Added you if anyone else wants to become friends just ass and leave your friends code and I will add I’m looking at playing a good few games over the next few weeks / months like Mario , tri force heros and a good few others anyone who wants to be a part of it is welcome :grin:

Can anyone add me? My code is: 0616-5470-6896

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My FC is: 1472 - 9241 - 9034!

Please @ or reply to me when you’ve added me!

@LegendMel added you
@Gazabra also added you

I Will add you two now

Added ! my code is 3107-2571-1937 :smile:

I added you, my FC is 3107-2571-1937