I think itd be fun to play online matches with others
I believe it may be soon, I’m not sure though. I tried with beta servers and still got the 102-2482 error. It is most likely being worked on though, just hold on it should be possible soon.
You need to whitelist your system. 3DS Friend Code Whitelisting for Testing Servers - #172
102-2482 would be for Wii U anyways. I’d just advise @ArtU26 to make sure that they’re actually connected to beta servers and to check whether the specific functionality that they’re trying is supported.
I’m going to explode with excitement! IT IS WORKING (as beta) So many memories and hours of nostalgia in the palms of my hands! Thank you Pretendo!
Oh, i just thought that they were on the 3DS version
1xx are Wii U errors, 0xx are 3DS errors