On a normal retail unit only one local account is ever made, which is set to the prod NASC environment. Local accounts may be set to prod , test or dev . Nimbus makes use of this unused feature to create sandboxed local accounts with different environments
This quote was pulled from the Pretendo Network website.
Why does Nimbus specifically use the test environment to run Pretendo on a 3DS? Why not dev? Is this because of technical limitations?
Could someone make a homebrew that put any other online homebrew services (for instance, the rverse archive) into the dev environment? I feel that would solve the issue of two services overlapping each other.
Sure, that would be possible. The other service would just use a separate account and need to host its own account server - it would be completely separate from Pretendo.
The test environment was chosen because that environment loads a different set of URLs for going online (the test server URLs). This let us make an IPS patch that was able to stay loaded at all times, which only replaced the test environment URLs, without affecting the production URLs (which is what is used by the main Nintendo Network user)
So if all environments issue their own URLs, I guess @MatthewL246_PNID’s assumption that the test environment, because it comes directly after prod, was chosen for Nimbus, is true?