Supported games

i just wanted to know what games are currently supported by pretendo

Check out every supported and planned to be supported games here Here (please note this is not by anyone from pretendo and this is only games pretendo supports and plans to support some games are tester only but will become free later on if you want to get tester access please upgrade your account to super mario tier or above please make sure if you do get it that your friend code is whitelisted if you are on wii u you don’t need to whitelist your code i think but on 3ds you do pretendo plans to support most or almost every game if you need more help please @ me and tell me what you want to know if you plan on whitlisting your friend code you may also do it here on the forums) sorry for the long string of text im just trying to be helpfull i know i can start “yapping” a bit when i help people so sorry about that

don’t forget to include that pretendo’s own progress is super outdated and lazy to update that fans has to make another site that is constantly updated and not something that takes 2 bazilibillion years!


I don’t think it’s laziness btw, I think the team developing the site aren’t as available as they used to be.