Suggestion: Make a patch that allows badges to show on both Nintendo Network and Pretendo Network

So, basically, before I had a PNID, I got Pretendo Network on my 3DS yesterday and my badges that I injected with Simple Badge Injector (due to losing badges I actually got at the arcade) showed up, which surprised me. But today, I switched back to nintendo network to check on something, and when I went to pretendo, my badges were GONE. So I’d like it if I could just have the badges show on both networks without having to edit the badge data.

Sorry but at this moment pretendo is not working with this you can wait some time for them to do it but probably pretendo wont do this as rigth now its not what they are working on.

For now, I guess I will just either use Nintendo Network except for when I want to use Pretendo online features, or I will use advanced badge editor with simple badge injector to transfer badges.

there is a way to kind of fix that ill tell you
get your badges files go to your sd card search for the badges folder put your badges there after get your 3ds sd card put it on your console go to anemone click the three lines on the touch screen and press the install badges button.