Well, I think I have the maximum number of games you can set for use with StreetPass, and they all seem to work fine with NetPass, but on Pretendo’s StreetPass Relay, I only get StreetPasses on these games, even if I have friends that I can StreetPass with StreetPass Relay on other games I have.
StreetPass Mii Plaza
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Nintendo 3DS Sound
New Super Mario Bros. 2 (for some reason every streetpass has dlc that i don’t have)
Super Mario Maker
Tomodachi Life
The rest of my streetpass-set games are games that not so many people have, but I know some friends of mine with Swapnote/Nintendo Letter Box and I’m not able to streetpass them there. Even though NetPass streetpasses for that game work perfectly.
Also, why can’t I streetpass one of my friends? I loved his Animal Crossing New Leaf town and house and I wanna streetpass his house so I can see it again!
6 bumps and 3 months. @MayorKittyCat has your issue been resolved? Also streetpass relay wont always give you passes.
Stale issue at this point, make a new post if you still have an issue