Spotpass ssl bug wii u

splatoon does’t ask me about spotpass after i have disable hit for splatoon since then i have a error code which is linked to spotpass but this error code wasn’t suppose to appered becaude i using ssl method and that error code accordin to the web site is supose to be linked to inkay method i dont no how fix this did someone could hep me please ?

Try deleting your shared save data and check splatoon

i erased my shared data but that doesn’t change something but the error still there

Did you restart your wiiu

i restar my wii u but that dont change something and i was thinking why splatoon dont give me the option to activate spotpass maybe is this the cause of my issue maybe ?

What is the error code

the error code is 104-2210

i have another issue for i don’t know what reason but my PNID password is not recognized because each time i tried to connect my wii u to online he askes my PNID password i enter the right password but each time he consider my password incorrect but i don’t no why ?

This sounds like it might be a similar issue.

no i have already try this and it don’t change anything but i see something very strange for i don’t know what reason he connect me to the beta serv its very strange

i have fix the password thing but i still have the error code 104-2210

the error code 104-2210 is linked to spotpass but i cant acess to spot in game because i dont have the option even on the game that suppose to have it dit someone could fix this please ?

Did I miss this? Oops, I’m sorry

Clear shared save data for Splatoon

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i have already tried this i don’t change anything

the issue i have is linked to spotpass but i can’t fix it

i need someone help please

Are you using the latest version of Aroma and Inkay? If not, I’d suggest updating.

Judging by their posts, they might be on SSSL?

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Whoops, my bad. Sorry, I’m not sure what else to suggest in that case.

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i use the SSSL method but the issue i have linked to spotpass but normaly whit inkay method and i don’t no how to fix this