Tomorrow night, we’ll be performing a trial Splatfest to test our servers for testers only.
This’ll be happening on 2024-12-22T23:00:00Z.
To participate, make sure you have an active subscription to the Super Mario donation tier or above and make sure you’ve selected to connect to Beta servers in your Pretendo settings. If you don’t want to participate, just connect to Production servers instead.
For more information, please keep an eye on the tester channels in the Discord server.
You don’t need to use it, but I’d recommend getting it in this scenario since I think some Splatfest data might be distributed via Discord (not sure but I can get this clarified if you want).
Just as an update, you will need to be in the testing channels in the Discord server for this trial since we’ll be distributing data to make this work and we might have to update this in real time.