Save Data Transfer Tool

I’m wondering if it would be possible to implement compatibility for the Save Data Transfer Tool for the 3DS systems? I have games I may want to transfer from the cartridges to the ones on my 3DS.

I’ve never used this before, but how is it incompatible? I don’t think it uses online.

An online connection is required, just had a quick search. Thought it was but I wanted to double check.

How to use the Save Data Transfer Tool | Nintendo 3DS & 2DS | Support | Nintendo UK.

I imagine you could use JKSM or Checkpoint to transfer save data, but I only ever used Save Data Transfer Tool personally.

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The service was discontinued.

Doesn’t it work when you switch to Nintendo Network in Nimbus? I don’t have any games to try it with considering I’ve dumped all my physical 3DS games.

If this does rely on Nintendo Network functionality, it is planned to be supported on Pretendo. I don’t believe it’s a high priority when homebrew save transfer tools exist, though.