Question about what game I should buy for Wii U

Should I buy Splatoon for my Wii u or another Game?

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I would definitely buy splatoon! It’s an amazing game, especially since you can play online with it. The story mode is pretty good too, and it’s especially fun to look for all of the lore scrolls. If you’re looking for other games, I would suggest mario kart 8 and super mario maker.

Please use the Off Topic thread in future.


Don’t personally think this belongs there to be honest.

I’d definitely recommend the OP to look into buying Splatoon. It’s relatively cheap at £5 or so afaik and you’ve got plenty of content to enjoy.

You might not want Splatoon though if you’re not a third person shooter fan or if you have an unreliable internet connection. Might be better looking into another game if that’s the case (Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8 are good recommendations if you don’t already have it).

There’s also this thread (I’m sure there’s another somewhere if I can find it) which has a recommendation in it: Wii U Game Recomendations Center

Good few recommendations here too: What is your favorite 3DS/Wiiu game?

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