Pretendo login password issues

I am trying to login to the Pretendo Network with my password and it keeps telling me that its an incorrect password. I was able to log into the pretendo website with the same credentials as my Nintendo Network acc but it won’t work on the wii u. Any help?
I am using Inkay if that matters

Did you create a PNID using the same username as your NNID? If so, you won’t be able to log in on your console - you need to create a PNID with a different username.

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I didn’t make a PNID. I was never given the option and when I tried making one on the website, it told me that there was already one with that ID which was my NNID. How would I make one and log in with it on my console?

I’d suggest referring to the official Wii U installation guide and scrolling down to the PNID Setup section, since you already set up Inkay.


I got it all set up, thank you!!!

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