PNID Automatically unlinked?

I had already linked my PN ID to my DS but after a while, it apparently unlinked itself and kept throwing the standard “You can’t connect to miiverse you don’t have an NNID linked” error. So I logged into my PN ID again, but I’m just wondering how something like this could’ve happened.

Edit: all my badges have disappeared even the ones that were linked to my PN ID this is frustrating

It just sometimes happens. If you got error code 022-5432, that practically means that your PNID was unlinked.

I got 015-5015 from my error so idk

Are you on nintendo or pretendo network?

Apparently neither
20 characters ydyxydgg

Maybe go into GM9 use the unlink NNID Script, uninstall Nimbus, reinstall Nimbus and try again.

Please don’t recommend this. It does NOT resolve this issue and causes unintended side effects.

Oh I’m very sorry. I didn’t know, I won’t recommend this in the future.