Planned maintenance: Some Pretendo web services on 2025-02-08

On Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 3:00 PM, there will be a maintenance period. This will take up to 24 hours.
The affected services will be unavailable during that time.

This is the first of multiple maintenance periods to migrate to our new infrastructure. We will aim to keep downtime to a minimum but we appreciate your patience while we work to improve the stability of Pretendo’s services.

Affected services:

An announcement will be made when the maintenance starts and when it has finished.

Thanks @mistrjvs.


If you need support during this time, please use the Discord server.

There’s also a Reddit community, but it is UNOFFICIAL. I would highly recommend just using the Discord or waiting for the forum to come back up.

For common support issues, I’d recommend checking out the unofficial wiki too:

Wait, WHAT?! The NINTH OF FEBRUARY??? But a Caterpie that got traded to me by someone called Thane is having her birthday then!!! ( =0 <-very surprised and concerned face

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Im gonna try to be on account deletion duty on the 8th so There is none late deletions


I’m not sure whether I’m supposed to mention this but deletions are only processed once a week anyways lol

Inkredible! Hope it fixes the 118-0521 error in splatoon 1!

The post makes it clear what services will be affected by the downtime and Splatoon will not be affected.

Splatoon may have some downtime in the future but I’m not sure it’ll affect anything.

I just discovered mastodon with this post and I have no idea what it is

Federated social media platform using the ActivityPub protocol

I use it :smile:

Pretendo publishes their posts on so there might be issues with posts federating (some staff are also on it too but I don’t think they really use it)

Just as a quick reminder, the forum will be down in 14 minutes.

Can I still post about Thane’s Caterpie later today? (it’s the 9th for me here in Australia)

It looks like a replacement Twitter.

W-what?! But…but…the Caterpie!!!

Site still up for me

Final post before maintenance hopefully

Anyways, see y’all soon in the Discord

And me!
@piplupness But I still want to post about a Caterpie.

Maintenance has started, the affected services will be unavailable for up to 24 hours starting now.

Affected services:


WHAT?! But I WANT to post about a Caterpie today!