Pinder - A Tinder-like app for searching for Wii U and 3DS Pretendo friends!

Hi! It’s me, Milk_Cool again, this time with a new app: Pinder!
Pinder is a simple Tinder-like web app designed to help people find friends on the Pretendo Network. You can see the person’s Mii, the friend code if they have a 3DS and their PNID. Here’s my card:

I thought it’d be really fun (and funny for that matter) to friend people based on their appearance on Pretendo too, which is why i have created this website.


Right now there are only five users, and it’s not surprising considering the efforts needed for verification. However, as more users will be registered, more will be the growth, and more people will be joining every day.


Yeah this is really funny. I’ll spread the word about it on Juxtaposition and see if that gives your site a boost. Your work is great!


Cant login can you help?

If you’ve signed up properly, (posted the four numbered code onto juxt to authenticate, not making your password the same as your PNID’s, and deleting the four numbered code after it was used.) It should’ve worked properly, if not, the website may have technical difficulties or your account has been suddenly compromised or simply isn’t working.


Really sad the service had to spontaneously shut down like that so soon. It was genuinely cool.

it had to shut down? oh noo!

Will it be up again? Also very good idea lol

Which one do you mean?

aww man its shut down already?

I don’t know why everyone’s saying it’s shut down. Some of the other services aren’t working properly either, they might just be having issues.

Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 443

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It doesn’t work!

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neat project, only to be dead.


Yeah, thats unfortunate :frowning:


damn, super excited for this only for it to be shut down :frowning_face:

Why was it shut down?

Unsure, I haven’t heard anything from @milkcool about his projects in a while. Looks like he hasn’t logged into the forums recently either.

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Hi everyone! Idk if anyone will recieve a notification, but there’s a good chance that the services will be up and running again pretty soon!


Did you find someone to host it? I know you were talking to @ErdbeerbaerLP2 about hosting it on

I’m happy to see it back though!