Outgoing Mail Disabled: What Happened?

What happened? Did something go wrong?

It’s a normal thing.

It’s just there because the forum isn’t currently set up to send email.


Yeah, all users are currently assigned an invalid email address. These are [your PID]@invalid.com.

This was the only way to get the forums working without using a users actual email address.

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To add on to this, the reason we did this is because Discourse requires unique emails for users. Nintendo Network did not require unique emails, so neither do we, which meant we couldn’t use your REAL email for the forum. Every user has a unique ID assigned to them called a PID, however, so every user has the email PID@invalid.com

We have plans to run our own SMTP server, however, which will be used exclsuively for the forums. Your forum email address will be updated to something such as pid+real-email. When our SMTP server sees an out-going email, it with then check the address and get your account PID and real email address. Your PNID will be looked up via the PID, and the supplied email address will be checked against the one in your PNID data. If the emails match, then our SMTP server will forward the email to the real email address. The pid+real-email system will ensure that people can’t spam-email people (since only using PIDs is insecure, given that they are public data anyone can get for any user). You’d still need to know the users actual email address to “send” them an email through our SMTP server