[OUTDATED] The "DEFINITVE" Wii U & 3DS Games List

Moderator note: this topic has been closed and unlisted due to becoming outdated. The most up-to-date source is the Unofficial Pretendo Wiki.

View original list (outdated)

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Super Mario 3D Land
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, The
Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask, The
Fantasy Life
Animal Crossing New Leaf (Welcome Amiibo)
Pocket Card Jockey
Kid Icarus Uprising +
Tomodachi Life
Pokemon Omega/Alpha
Mighty Switch force 1/2
Triforce Heroes +

[Wii U]
Pokken Tournament +
Mario Kart 8 +
Mario Maker +
Splatoon +
Super Mario 3D World +
Bayonetta 1+2
Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed
Pikmin 3


Just a heads up, you misspelled “Welcome”

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You da bess. Thanks for that haha

Hoping Final Fantasy Explorers (3ds) gets support some day :pensive:


Yeeah same. I didn’t add it because it was super niche. Activity Log says it’s in my top 10 most played games {Hours}


Wait, Pokken works online? I should be playing that dang

Heck yeah! It doesn’t track ranked W/L but who cares!

You could start by copying the information from the official Progress page, then get people to test each game. There should also be a seperate list for paid/beta features that only certain users can access.

You can also use a table like this to sort games better (quote or get the source code of my post to edit it)

Game Title Working features Beta Tester features Missing features Last tested date
Steel Diver: Sub Wars Worldwide matches, Same continent matches Friends matches Blocklist people
IRONFALL Invasion Competitive matches, Friendly matches
Pokkén Tournament Friendly matches, Rank matches
Mario Kart 7

Really I don’t think we can get enough people to test each game, and it would be a waste of time when we should update the official Progress page or have a list of working features from Pretendo developers.

cant wait for bayo 2

Amazing this is really good i think that is very good

Might close+unlist this thread and redirect people to the more updated page that a Discord moderator is operating (which also now contains information on what features are supported in specific games). Technically it’s not the OPs fault though, forum is configured in a way that regular users usually can’t edit posts after 1-30 days depending on trust level.

Will discuss this quickly with the team :grin:

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This is now outdated and is being closed in order to redirect to more up-to-date sources.