I wish there was a way I could identify the risk of data on my microSD card becoming corrupted. One time I ran DSi Camera on the 2DS XL and it said I have no SD card photos, which made me think it deleted everything. But turns out it’s because DSi Camera has a different management file, and unlike 3DS Camera, it only shows photos from DSi Camera
OK so I backed up SOME of the photos, but not all, because i didn’t want to wait 30 minutes.
I did back up everything inside the Private folder inside the Nintendo 3DS folder, which includes 3DS Camera photo management file, 3DS Sound playlist data, and 3DS Sound recordings.
Yeah, the Rosalina Menu screenshots.
Random fact: The only users here who don’t have Mii pfps are @discobot, @system, and all the deleted Anon accounts.
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
Now I’ve posted here more than @PizzaPizza72!
Just getting ready to try and dump games and stuff through Dumpling
Can’t tell whether I’ve hidden the right USB in USBHide considering it was showing two options (only one USB was inserted)
Looks quite quick to be fair, quicker than dumping a Wii game
Using this guide if anyone wants to learn how to dump their games: Using Dumpling | Cemu Guide
Probably since the Wii knows it’s soon halloween and wants to scare some people…
I love Dumpling!
Dumpling was the only way I could play my copy of MK8 on Cemu!
Yeah, it looks like he just copied and pasted the message throughout the different threads
ermmm not good when Windows or Linux can’t detect the file system
I don’t quite understand since I didn’t format it when running USBHide
I was playing a mod. Maybe that’s the reason?
Yes I was playing retro rewind (awesome MKWii mod by the way) and I just left it on and came back to this. After that it never happened again.
I genuinely don’t know what to do, wondering whether I messed this up myself
Don’t have the motivation now to try again
Does anyone have any idea on how to recover any data?
Actually, hang on. I’m gonna reinsert into my Wii U and run USBHide again to make it visible to the Wii U.
Nope, don’t think that worked…