Off Topic Stuff

I wish I had a real life Yeah! button.


But that means there would have to be a real-life Bandwidth as well… It balances out good and evil!

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If I could add two new keys to the computer keyboard design, they would have to be a pizza key and a Yeah! key.

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I feel like it would make sense for the Scratch Cat and Bandwidth to partner up, because they are both very mischievous beings.

I wonder what happens to all the Scratch Cats that get deleted.

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What if Pretendo had a Bandwidth plushie?

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Maybe I could show the idea to @GamersInternatio! Then he could show it to Jon!

It Would be REALLY CUTE and also would make money for Pretendo

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Can we please stop with the small text? Not funny now and at that size, it’s illegible without zooming in.


Not even @PN_quarky can trademark the phrase “professional,” it is physically impossible.

But that means there would have to be a real-life Bandwidth as well… It balances out good and evil!

Thats what he said

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I wish squids were us


Thats a really good thougth me!

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Thanks so much me in so glad someone agrees!

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i am a funny

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he is a funny the show

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Forgot how nice that theme looks, @pinklimes did a really good job on it


Using RetroArch on the Wii U is like coding a game in Unity because half the time it just stops working completely. Every now and then, I encounter a DSI Exception error while browsing the files on my SD card. (I did not take this screenshot, by the way.)


Finally got round to uploading a profile header and user card background.

Wonder whether anyone will guess where these were taken without looking at the original images


Petition to add an OG Miiverse theme to Juxt.

Everyone needs to snap out of it. #BringBackSkeuomorphism