Off Topic Stuff

You should! And also do mine

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This may sound unbelievable, but the 3DS’s touch screen has water inside of it. At least mine apparently does. And on rare occasions touching the screen causes the water to come out.

Can u give me ur fc to play mk7 and something’s
My fc is. 2033-8904-3949

I can’t remember what my friend code is, but I’ll share it soon

I added you!
My friend code is 3021-6268-1140

here’s peak


I think I hear the original theme from Activity Log playing as well

Can you do Swapnote/Nintendo Letter Box?

i don’t think he made that

uh nvm he did!!!

could you do wii u daily log (gamepad) because that hits so hard

Isn’t that in your 3DS sound streetpass playlist? I’ve streetpassed you before

Ill need to extract the bfsar that contains .midi stored in it, which none programs have them

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is it ok if i use the song in a youtube video?

It’ll sound worse with youtube sooo no
Plus yes theres mp3 to midi but then itll be garbled mess with it


No i’m talking about the activty log + fnf song. could i use it in a video?

Oh yea sure, make sure you credit me. (@Nael2xd)

Ill make a 1080p video for it

Remember to shorten the name of your ez flash gba roms or they wont show up properly!!11

i’m gonna do it if it has an available bcsar file

and it does so i’m gonna do it

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I just heard a pang outside my house.

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