Off Topic Stuff

Let me tell you a little story, @PN_Jon

On one Halloween, all the little Miis had gone out to Trick or Treat. There were many spooky, spine-chilling stories that were told by happy adults.

However, one story had stood out, not like any other. It was told by a Mii named @Tututhedevil. It was about a mystical file format that cursed anyone who dare reverse-engineer it. And that file goes by the name of…


The story went by like this…

@PN_Jon went with his homebrewing friends one day in the night. It was of rumor that a creepy pumpkin inhabits the soul of the MOFLEX, an evil creature who escaped the confines of their master, the witch Nintendo.

He and his friends had took intrest in this rumor for far too long, so it was only a matter of time before they partook on an adventure to find this demon. Everyone — from @Nael2xd1 to @Khentendo2 — warned the crew not to go to the pumpkin, but they never listened.

“It’s time!” Jon said. They traveled and traveled, until finally reaching a dark graveyard that the spirit resided in. As legend tells, you have to knock on the pumpkin three times for the spirit to respond. So that is what he did. “One… Two… … Three!” Nothing happened for a while. They felt they were ripped off.

But, just before they left, they herd a whisper. Which turned into a loud bang. It was the spirit of Moflex! The rumor was true all along! Jon and his friends were in shock, but also a sigh of relief. But the spirit was angry. “How could you do this to me? You will pay!” They said. So, Jon and his friends tried to run as far as they could from the demon.

But, it was too late, “Please! Please, don’t! NO!” Were Jon’s last known words, before suddenly… The crew disappeared with the demon.

No one knows what happened to them afterwards, but it’s said that they may never ever return… But, who knows!