Notice: Juxtaposition on Wii U can't load images currently

Just so I can notify people, Juxtaposition can’t load images on Wii U consoles currently. We’re not sure why this is happening.

This started sometime around 2024-11-16T14:00:00Z and was fixed sometime around 2024-11-23T09:30:00Z (the time isn’t confirmed).

Despite issues with loading images, you should still be able to browse Juxtaposition normally.

You can look at this thread for more information: WiiU miiverse images not showing


Thank you @GamersInternatio for your efforts in keeping everyone up-to-date on current issues!


funny, my wiiu was able to render 2 images, the rest were just “?”

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Would you guys think it would be a hacker issue

Oh i was wondering why i couldn’t see any pictures thanks for informing us and I’ll just wait for it to get a fix.


It’s not a “hacker issue,” nobody is hacking Juxt and there would be no reason for a hacker to disable images.

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Alrighty just wondering cuz I saw a hacker that was doing weird things a long while ago

It seems like according to Jon this might be an issue on Production servers? It might be some time before he can look more into it due to Wii U issues.

(Not sure if that will show the post, but I left it there anyways.)


Issue seems to be fixed as of earlier today.

No official announcement has been released yet though but I have got confirmation that the certificate has changed.

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Jon has made an official announcement on Discord that this is now resolved:


This has now been fully resolved