NNID already taken error

Trying to set up Pretendo with my n2ds. When I try to go through system settings to link it to my n2ds and get to the form to fill out user info, I get an error that my ID is already taken. I switched back to Nintendo’s service and verified that the two IDs are distinct. What can I do to fix this?

Sure… when I type in my PNID, the form doesn’t let me submit, saying it’s taken already. My PNID and NNID are different. I read that this happens when the two are the same, but they definitely are not for me.

What error code do you get exactly?

I don’t get one. When I try to submit the “Link a Nintendo Network ID” form, it doesn’t progress and has a popup on the top screen saying “Please reenter the fields marked in red.”

Did you fill out all 3 fields? The form requires you to put in your PNID, password and email.

Yes. I filled everything out. The only field marked red is the one where I enter the PNID (spacentity), which the form says is already taken.

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Certainly something I haven’t come across before, I assume the details are all correct.

Might see if I can get someone to look into this for you in the morning, I’ll try and do some level of research.


Asked someone and they’re not sure either. You are linking an existing ID right and not creating a new one? I assume that’s the case from what I can tell but I just want to double check.

Sorry if these questions are frustrating.

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No response from OP and unlikely to be solved without further one-on-one support