I never changed it and it’s set to the one on the back but whenever I try going on pretendo it said in the response “serialNumber format Invalid” or something like that
Have you ever changed your serial number or LocalFriendCodeSeed_B to evade a ban on the Nintendo network?
If so, revert to the original one with GodMode9. The Nintendo ban will not bleed into Pretendo.
My serial number has always stayed the same. I think I changed local friendseed once I"lol check if I have a backup
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Nope didn’t work error 0002 serialNumber format is invaild
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How did you revert it btw? You should have been instructed to download a Godmode9 script to restore your LFCS_B (which I’m not entirely sure is the issue)
Could you try running this and posting the result?
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