So i joined pretendo a few days ago and not much has happened since but last night i was playing some mkwii online then turned it off to go get a snack when i came back i tried to get in my pretendo account but told me that i had to put in my password again so i did but it didnt work i tried it again and again but still didnt work i even looked at my password manger thinking i put in. The wrong password and i cant say i forgot it because that wont work either because. U know its pretendo so it sending a email wont work but please anyone help me
You either are using the wrong (aroma) environment or you need to install/update Inkay.
My pretendo aint modded so uhm yeah
Yuh what do i do i wanna play my mario maker
Dont know how to help with unmodded systems. You could just try and mod it and then see by then you get access to changing the Networks via Inkay
Are you sure you’re actually signing into your Pretendo profile on the Pretendo DNS??
Yeah im clicking on the toon link account everytime
You could always try resetting your password online, not sure if it’ll do anything but it’s worth a shot.
Thanks ill try and respond later
So mod it, SSSL isn’t ideal for a lot of games.
Well i cant rn since i font got acess to. A laptop of computer
Okay. Did you switch networks, like move your Wii U to another Wi-Fi? If you did, you need to do SSSL again.
Bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this sucks
What about my save data will it still be here?
Use SaveMii. Thatll help you transfer your saves.
I’m saying you need to set your DNS again, not a new account. Unless you only have 1 account. If you only have 1, you should have another account without a PNID for managing network stuff.