Miiverse Images Not Rendering

Hey all… again.

Now that everything is up and running, when I go to Miiverse, NONE of the images/thumbnails/etc. are loading. So when I look at all the available communities, the text is all there, but no thumbnails. When I click a community, I can see that people have posted artwork, but it is entirely blank. Even my own artwork, after posting, is BLANK (for me)!

I turned my N3DS off and on again, just in case, but it’s still the same deal :confused:

I have experienced this thing before and it could be that Juxt is unstable on older 3DS models.

Not sure what that would accomplish, but when I’m able later in the day I could do that.

It’s an N3DS though, surely it has better RAM/processing power than an O3DS? When it was running rverse there were no issues whatsoever.

This is what all images look like for me.

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I think Juxt is just generally buggy on 3DS consoles as it is anyways. I think it’s more likely to be a bug that you should report on GitHub (GitHub - PretendoNetwork/juxtaposition-ui: Juxtaposition applet UI for the Wii U and 3DS) rather than being a problem with your system.

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Wait hang on. Just been working on changing some posts and are you a tester?

It completely slipped my mind that images don’t render properly for people that are connected to development servers in Juxt for some reason (I need to ask for access at this point). I think it’s a bug but if you set your account to connect to the stable servers in settings, you shouldn’t have an issue.

Until very recently I think I was considered a tester because of my subscription tier, but I was told the other day my console was banned so I cancelled my sub lol.

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