Miiverse error 116-1028

I already had cfw set on my wii u, but since it was outdated i had to remove it and redo everything; after that i ran pretendo and, although it goes perfectly online and even displays the posts in the mii plaza, the only thing that doesn’t work is miiverse with this error

(translated → code error: 116-1028 / unable to view the page)
can it be fixed?


Same here! Just opened a “request”, too :smiley:


welcome to pretendo network oh your on 3ds idk hows it work for 3ds but try get out of miiverse
then nimba if i am wrong then go to nintendo network
go to miiverse then get out of miiverse
then go to ninba then switch back to pretendo network then go to miiverse idk if it works

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1XX-XXXX error codes are Wii U.
0XX-XXXX are 3DS.


I have not seen this one before


me to i nerverd seen it on wii u

I’m having the same error, and if i try to login juxt.pretendo.network/login in my current browser, i got a timeout.

i’m starting to wonder if maybe the problem could be the language? maybe it only works in english but idk lol

Nope, in English is the same.

Currently I’m using inkhay 2.6.0 and aroma beta-22

I wonder if this is a CDN issue, this seems to be after recent updates (not confirmed).

What regions are you all in? I’m able to access it in the UK.

I’m from México and i can’t access to juxt web besides my miiverse error (116-1028)

Are you able to access it now? We’ve made some changes.

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yes im able to access now, thank you

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Issue resolved, haven’t marked a solution as this was after server side changes.