Miiverse Error: 012-1510

System: old 3ds
Latest Luma version
All files you need for Miiverse and everything to work (i think) Pretendo Network
I also checked if i am singed into my PNID (i am!)

Every time i try to go into Miiverse i have to enter my passwort, then its loading and a few moments later i get this error code.

Not entirely sure what the issue is here, it sounds like there’s an issue with the certificate?

I’d just try installing Nimbus again, perhaps something got corrupted?


I will try that out!

Thanks for the Help!!! It works now. I reinstalled nimbus with the universal updater and downloaded the combined.1.6.1.zip again and put everything on my sd card. Then I started Nimbus, switched from Pretendo to Nintendo Servers closed the app, started it again and switched from Nintendo to Pretendo Servers. Lastly I started Miiverse and its working :+1: