Meme(s) Sharings // Forum to SHARE funnies only

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That reminds me a bit of those purple areas that spring up sometimes in Pokémon Legends Arceus.

Was Sans REALLY canon in that universe?

Which villagers did you have BEFORE you restarted, and which ones do you have now?

Are you asking @IntroverMoss or me?

I honestly don’t remember what villagers I had before on my previous save at the moment

@SimplisticMii What on earth was THAT?!
@Nael2xd1 Is meeting Pikmin canon in Family Guy?

I think I was asking @IntroverMoss .

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Dont really remember and ill see what i have now

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Ok, that’d be cool. /gen =)

These do be a funnies.

two memes I got for now

[moderator note: removed a meme as it seems inappropriate]

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What is this bro :sob::sob::sob:

The second one :moyai:

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