Meme(s) Sharings // Forum to SHARE funnies only

omg his hair is actually a map!? gotta go join there!
(censored their faces because i don’t wanna leak PII)


Ahhhhh yes old animal crossing personality’s how ive missed you

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have you only just started LGTTC?

Good luck trying to sell that product…

(the text here translates to I AM BECOMING ZÖRBINGER)

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I restarted my save cuz i was bored

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that’s a way to cook my food!


Dead chat xd………………….

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Wrong order but (:/)/

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I know this is kinda old but everytime i scroll this and i see “I COME YOU” it cracks me up

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Micheal wave😭

i thought it meant No Spaghetti For Waluigi