Logging into pretendo on 3ds

So I saw on here that to log into your pretendo account on your ds, you just need to enter your code from the email, your password and your email address but it’s not working for me. It keeps telling me that there is an error 022-2613. Are we supposed to make a new account on our ds or is this supposed to be working? Or maybe I have missed a step?

Also, I can’t confirm my email address because it keeps saying that too many are at once.

Hope someone can help, please!

Added bit: So my I switch between pretendo and nintendo on my ds through nimbus and they’ve merged or something because now my nintendo account has been logged out of aswell…

Your confirmation code isn’t needed to sign in, I think you’re confusing this with your PNID.

You don’t need to make a new account on your console.

Haven’t heard of that one before, interesting.