Juxtaposition Error "598-4000"

I noticed that everytime i open a tag on Juxtaposition, for example the Super Mario 3D World level tags it shows the error “598-4000 (Unable to load element)”

This must be a error on Pretendo’s part and not my Wii U, and it is probably happening to all users.

As per error-codes/data/598/4XXX/en_US.json at master · PretendoNetwork/error-codes · GitHub,

“Loading tab network error”
Check your internet connection, if your connection is fine servers may be down

Everything’s fine with my internet.

I’m not sure tags are supported tbh, that’s probably the issue.

Could be completely wrong though.

Yes, tags used to work, And you could see the posts if you clicked on them.

U check your DNS settings?

Yes, nothing wrong with it.

Forgot to mention you were trying to access tags, yeah they dont work right