Someone should put a note with asterisks at the top of that setup page so this don’t happen!
In what way? How do you mean?
Can you use the same email? Can you delete this account please. Should also be a warning when creating an account I made an account first then installed it.
You can use the same email for multiple accounts
If you want to make a GDPR right to erase request, please make a separate thread
Why can’t you just do it from here you’re already talking to me? I guess I could make another thread for people to waste they’re time. IHaveNoIdeas was more helpful than you. Probably just going to make another account and ditch that one. Delete process is a waste of time. Posting in multiple threads just to solve one problem.
We need it to be in a separate support thread as that makes it easier to process.
When requesting for a deletion, sign in with the account you want to delete