I want to click miiverse I have problem error code 115 2004
I want to click nintendo I have problem error code 115 2004
I want to play mariokart 8 on online I have problem
join this game Nobody here only me I want to play TOURNAMENT in mariokart 8 got error code 103 9999
I want close this game have please re enter the password for your nintendo network id so enter m,I password see incorrect password
but enter m,I password Same password in change password
is working but close this game m’i wii u say enter your password and
enter m,I password m’i wii u say incorrect password
is not working m’i Confuse and I want close m’I WII U not say enter your password m’i wii u go Slow Extreme vs add Official nintendo network m’I WII U go fast Normal This is so weird but I’m realized m’I region not correct me I live French wi fi from French wii u from French but m’I
account pretendo m’I region is US m’i Confuse This Why m’i wii u is slow and tricky plsssssssssss you Moderator pls change region us to French