How do I unlink my account in my original account?

I was using Pretendo, and I accidentally used my NNID instead of PNID, and now, I try signing in with the correct password, but it wouldn’t work. It keeps saying incorrect. I wanna know how to unlink my NNID on my user?

Don’t unlink your NNID. It can cause unintended side effects.

Create a new PNID with a different username, you can use the same email.

I used the NNID user on my actual User.

We recommend creating a new user on your console instead of unlinking your current user. Unlinking can cause problematic side effects, like losing access to your digital games.

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How do we create a new user if we are logged in already with a NNID on it ? I cant log out or make a new NNID without deleting it

You just create a user on your Wii U with a PNID that doesn’t have the same username as one of your NNIDs.

Im on 3ds i cant make another account

Still, just sign in with a PNID with a different username on your Pretendo profile on your 3DS