i subscribed to the level 2 beta testing and i know there’s a way for beta testers to access the current servers for x/y but i’m not sure how to actually connect
Make sure that your friend code is whitelisted and that your Pokémon save is ready to go online
Please note Wonder Trades are down atm
But they usually work, right? The Wonder Trades, that is?
Yeah, they should usually work but they’ve been down for about a month at the moment due to legality servers crashing
Wait, LEGALITY SERVERS?!!? Is Nintendo pissed off at you? And can I even USE the phrase “pissed off”?
The legality servers are used to check whether a Pokémon is legal
We have a good relationship with Nintendo at the moment
The legality servers are used to check whether a Pokémon is legal
Oh yeah? Then what do you call all the hacked shiny Pokémon that were in the GTS for years and years, called “SUB ME ON” this and “ADD ME ON” that?