Host your own Pretendo Network server!

Yeah, the main issue is going to be dependencies. Based on this StackOverflow question, MongoDB hasn’t supported PowerPC for over 10 years. This would definitely be an issue since the account server won’t run without Mongo.

hmmm, I have limited knowledge with these things lol. would mongodb from 10 years ago work? :sob: Also wondering what makes mongodb special (i dont do databases :ribbon:)

I haven’t tried but I very much doubt it. I’m not seeing any old PowerPC versions in the Docker images list either. You could try to compile a more recent version for PowerPC on your own but that would probably be a complicated process to get working.

The simple reason is that the account server requires MongoDB, it doesn’t support any other database.

ah, I understand. I think it would be funny to try, if i get around to it ill give results haha.

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This could be helpful with my Wii U Minecraft SMP. How would this work exactly? (TLDR)

I’m not sure whether this would work well for your use case. Your players would all need to create new accounts on their consoles to connect to your server.

Ah nevermind then. It’s hard enough getting them to turn on the game chat option

Any information for setting up a domain to the instance? Thought i knew some people that couldnt get this working


It’s not something I’m giving official support for at this time, but I know it would definitely be possible with some manual configuration changes. I would like to document it as an officially supported configuration in the future.

10 posts were split to a new topic: How to customize Juxtaposition

my own mario kart 8 server

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i have a question, can i actually send notifcations to users useing this? since wii u has the notifications applet, cannot i send notifications to my users the same way like pretendo sends to the 3ds’s around the globe useing pretendo?

like i mean is there a ability to send notifications to the wii u consoles on my custom pretendo-docker server?

Not yet, Pretendo hasnt figured out how BOSS notifications are requested on Wii U, but the format of them are very well documented: Notifications App File Format Docs - HackMD

is there a new pretendo-docker update? will you make more updates?

how do i change the Pretendo Network Service Agreement on pretendo-docker from the custom server text to other?

its not that hard to figure it out yourself

Ever tried yknow, doing a search? In the folders of your instance, to search for the EULA, maybe even doing a search on the Github works too

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Yes, of course I plan to release more updates. There’s a roadmap and plans issue pinned in the repo that gives some visibility on those plans. I just haven’t had the time to work on it recently.

alright, new question

since pretendo uses as a domain for their servers, how do i change the domain for servers for pretendo-docker?

and how do i get my custom domain?

So this must be the thing my friend told me about when he said he was hosting his own server…