There was this guy and he was doing stuff.
Hey I’d like to request a ban for a hacker that goes by the name of alinaplayz2458 for hacking on my Minecraft server. his main account name is cm7722 and he kept flying and bypassing settings on minecraft survival. I’ve banned him from it but he has posted threats before and let me know he can bypass the kicks. He has even talked about griefing my server and using alt accounts to bypass. Especially with the friends of friends setting enabled. Can something be done about this? If you go to the Alina account he has posted confessions (about 3-4 days ago) on it and I have at least 3 witnesses that can confirm he has hacked. Thanks! I’ll send photo proof if you need it (the browser will not let me right now).
I love ur nametag
this player has already been reported, but the more evidence, the better! thanks a bunch~
We’ll need photo/video evidence to take action on this, thanks
I have a question can you modify your vr on mk7 to max or does that hurt peoples 3ds’s
I believe it’s alright to modify it but I wouldn’t recommend doing it
(don’t take my word on it)
i would like to report “Lennard” from Germany in Mario Kart 7.he uses a lot of cheats making the races impossible (infinite bombs/shells, lightning etc.) and in fact his score is very high. IMG_6602|375x500
a few things:
- please attach video evidence, you can use a phone camera if needed
- download MK7 PID Grabber from Universal Updater, or you can download it from GitHub: Release 12/01/2024 · H4x0rSpooky/mk7-pid-grabber · GitHub
I’d like to report “MK7 [diamond]” from Japan, they’ve been acting weird.
They stood still on the start, then started to turn the star item on/off, flashing yellow.
It seems like it’s not the first time they’ve been caught, as they’ve spoofed their PID.
Photos (I can only put 1 embed and 2 links in my report atm, so that’s why you see a folder):
Not a hacker. They are just a very good player. Their YT:
I would like to report this person named “MK7◊”, in Mario Kart 7. That player just sits at the finish line and spams stars the whole time. I heard that this person has been already reported a number of times, but I thought I should just add more evidence anyways. Let me know if this would be enough footage for a good report in general. (
Video evidence:
Cheater is the room host (the Japanese/special character username)
The hacks featured seemed to only be invincibility hacks, the cheater did not appear to have any other hacks. I only got to play one race with them before they left/DC’d. The time this lobby was played was between 3:35PM and 3:50PM (US CST) on February 12th 2025.
It’s a crying shame that people are still cheating in this game after Nintendo Network shut down, do they really nothing better to do?
I would like to report a MK7 hacker (with a Japanese name). That player constantly trolled people by spamming items. My video evidence includes that player spamming stars and bombs to target another player.