Guys I have a problem with the 3DS friends list

practically, I see mine of others but others see me as a red default and with the writings E. E. what does it mean? obviously my mii has a completely different aspect

Here’s the error


But actually this is my mii

That is really strange. Was your Mii previously a default Mii named “ee”? I’m not sure why else that would happen.

Anyway, I would suggest opening Mii Maker and editing your personal Mii to make a tiny change and save it. That should update the copy of the Mii on the server.

The E. E. Mii sees my friend in place of my mii(Armando)

I try, but it seems like a server problem.

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However, even on secondary tools like 3dsrpc I see the Mii e.e.

Stale issue? If you still have problems make a new thread or something. (What)