GDPR Erasure Request (2025-02-02 01:23)

Hey I can’t log into my nintendo I’d online account since I messed up something and used a different account i was just wondering could you delete this account for me to fix the issue please

Can you make a separate thread and explain your issue in more detail?

So basically it keeps telling em to re enter my password when I switch the dns on my main account only one account works with the online

So can you please just delete this account that I’m talking to you on also thank you for your patience

If I’m understanding you correctly, this is normal. I’m not sure what the issue is here.

I’m not willing to process an account deletion given the circumstances, since it sounds like it’s operating normally (only one account will work online at the time, with your NNID working when you don’t have the DNS active and your PNID working if you have the DNS active).

But my main account LeoC009YT on my wii u isn’t working on online it keeps telling me to re enter my password for no reason I enter it right and it doesn’t work

So that why I was wondering can you delete my pretendo account please

So that’s your PNID right? Are you using the Pretendo DNS when you’re signing into your PNID?

I’m still not entirely sure whether a deletion is necessary in this case

I don’t know why it won’t
work it just won’t let me use my main account for online

Can you please just delete this account I thought I could put up the same Id and username and be able to go online but no it’s messed up everything when I change the dns settings

Just please delete this account I’m begging you

I’m sorry but I’m still struggling to understand your issue and I’m not going to forward a request for an account deletion on when I don’t even know whether it’ll solve anything.

Just to reiterate, when you’re auto obtaining your DNS, you’ll be able to access online services on Nintendo Network and to input your password into that specific profile, but you won’t be able to access online services on Pretendo Network and you won’t be able to input your password into that specific profile.

When you’re set to the Pretendo DNS, you’ll be able to access online services on Pretendo Network and you’ll be able to input your password into your Pretendo profile, but you won’t be able to access online services on Nintendo Network and you won’t be able to input your password into your Nintendo profile.

No but it just keeps saying to me re enter password I enter my password it doesn’t work and I figured out on a YouTube video if you mess up the Nintendo Id and username you need to ask pretendo to delete there account so that is why they told em about it

I’ll split your chain of posts into a separate post and forward it on to be deleted.

I’m sorry if I was acting a bit difficult with you, but I generally would prefer to try and narrow issues down because sometimes they don’t always require a deletion.

Hope you have a nice weekend though!

Thank you so much and I apreicate your patience also enjoy your weekend and massive thanks to you for helping me fix this problem soon

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Thanks for using Pretendo Network. Your account deletion has been processed.

This thread will automatically delete on 2025-02-17 at 8am GMT.