Wiiu Friends app won’t load
From the bit I’ve looked into this, this may not be able to be solved yet but I figure I’d double check anyway
I have a Japanese region Wiiu and it’s homebrewed through Aroma
It loads Miiverse just fine and I’ve played Splatoon online with pretendo recently, no problems there
I recently discovered you could friend other Wiiu pretendo users and I already got a friend request (i got a pop up while testing if Miiverse worked)
But yeah, when i try to open the friends app it stays on the immediate loading screen
I am connected to the internet and I am opening it through the aroma environment
I’m thinking it’s a pretendo bug, a disagreement between pretendo and my wiiu, or simply my wiiu
(maybe due to region? Or how I got the language to be partially in english)
^ screen it gets stuck on
The Friend List is known for having a loot of issues on Wii U, maybe you should wait and try again and then report back, and I don’t think having a region changed Wii U would really be the root cause of the situation.
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I tried again today and its still not working
The reason i thought it might be the region is because i have another issue where the disc channel and vwii channel wont show up on my wiiu channel menu
And ive come to the conclusion its due to the method used to change the language of JP wiius, unfortunately this was done to the Wiiu before i got it and i dont know how to undo it to test if that fixes anything
Seems like a real issue then, why not you go to Nintendo Homebrew because this doesn’t seem ordinary for Pretendo accounts, even Pretendo as a whole, because if your vWii is messing up like that, it isn’t even your account.
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I will do that then
Thank you!