Added @WrenBird03 @tanukiwoo My FC: 4477-7259-2635
Feel free to @ me and I’ll add you
Added @WrenBird03 @tanukiwoo My FC: 4477-7259-2635
Feel free to @ me and I’ll add you
I added you but you’re still not on my friend list. Are you sure your friend code is right? You should give your PRETENDO code.
@sarcstic @Swedwin @WrenBird03 added!!
fc: 1642-4953-7022
hallo!! added you! @axitus @Anastasia @TaskMaster1978
fc: 1642-4953-7022
I just added you!!
Added @tanukiwoo @sarcstic
fc: 3451-0576-8236
added you @BalloraAhegaovna @WrenBird03 @TaskMaster1978 @tanukiwoo @Anastasia @Swedwin @axitus @3DSisthebest @Alxtremo @octoGaymer
mine 2334-7714-0047
3020 9743 6838 is my code! Please add me my name is Itsuki
I added you! just waiting to be added back.
Hi there! I added you.
My friend code is 2675-5468-7401 for anyone who would also like to add me
OP, @Swedwin @Anastasia @axitus @BalloraAhegaovna added so far
I just added you back
added you @Gamer_Itsuki @jsebbo
mine 2334-7714-0047
added you!
code: 5212-5058-4108
Just added you back
Here is my friend code if y’all want to add me 1430-9172-5049
Hey! heres mine: 1049-0917-4271.
Im so excited its my first time!! :DD