here, mine is 0186-2532-2492
added you, just waiting to be added back!
ok, but i added you since the my code was here
im gonna unadd then add you again’
you’re still not showing up, i’ll try to do the same that you did and see if it works
edit: i resent the friend request, maybe it might work?
i still dont see it its weird
maybe its just some weird glitch? idk, sucks that it doesnt work tho
its ok i will make sure to find a new post when this one gets discontinued
Just to make sure, @WrenBird03 and @splendidboi, you’re both currently on Pretendo in Nimbus, right?
Salut, je t’ai ajouté en retour @Robinou800
yes im right there!!!
by the way, if you want to add me, here is my code 2634-6931-8012
Add me please 0098 6902 7706
added mine is 0533 1694 9597
yep, double checked (sorry for late reply, btw)
Hmm, alright. Not sure why that would be then.
I’ve added all in this thread! Would love to connect and streetpass relay with all of you, in and out of Tomodachi Life.
My code is 4441 - 2535 - 7905
If anyone is responding to this thread after this message, feel free to tag me with your friend code so I can add you too!
Thanks again OP for making this.
@Robinou800 @mutilateddoll @noab111657 @LambdaMax2009 @peefart @TheThomas5252 @splendidboi @Thim0212 @0Hypno @Girotac2 (some people I can’t tag since I exceeded the limit, but I’ve added all of you!)
added you back!!
(character limit )