Friend Code Exchange for Tomodachi Life

here, mine is 0186-2532-2492

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added you, just waiting to be added back!

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ok, but i added you since the my code was here

im gonna unadd then add you again’

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you’re still not showing up, i’ll try to do the same that you did and see if it works
edit: i resent the friend request, maybe it might work?

i still dont see it its weird

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maybe its just some weird glitch? idk, sucks that it doesnt work tho

its ok i will make sure to find a new post when this one gets discontinued

Just to make sure, @WrenBird03 and @splendidboi, you’re both currently on Pretendo in Nimbus, right?

Salut, je t’ai ajouté en retour @Robinou800

yes im right there!!!

by the way, if you want to add me, here is my code 2634-6931-8012

Add me please 0098 6902 7706

added mine is 0533 1694 9597

yep, double checked (sorry for late reply, btw)

Hmm, alright. Not sure why that would be then.

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I’ve added all in this thread! Would love to connect and streetpass relay with all of you, in and out of Tomodachi Life.

My code is 4441 - 2535 - 7905

If anyone is responding to this thread after this message, feel free to tag me with your friend code so I can add you too!

Thanks again OP for making this.

@Robinou800 @mutilateddoll @noab111657 @LambdaMax2009 @peefart @TheThomas5252 @splendidboi @Thim0212 @0Hypno @Girotac2 (some people I can’t tag since I exceeded the limit, but I’ve added all of you!)

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added you back!!

(character limit :frowning: )